Steps of Age Reading From Baby Toddler

toddler jailbreak
"He pulled a jailbreak!"

Those were my friend's words ane morning time, when I met her for java. She looked frazzled and a little panicky; turns out her 18 month old toddler had climbed out of the crib the night before, and had well-nigh scared his poor parents to decease.

Not that her experience was anything unusual, of grade; enough of parents have experienced those disconcerting "jailbreaks"! Our little ones somehow aqueduct their inner monkeys and effigy out how to climb (or maybe even vault!) right out of the crib.

Only how practice you handle this? What are you lot supposed to practice when you lot find your toddler (or fifty-fifty worse, your baby) on the wrong side of the crib bars? In this article, we'll examine your options to prevent or eliminate those middle-of-the-night jailbreaks.

Is It Unsafe For Your Infant or Toddler To Climb Out of the Crib?

Beginning, though, a reminder: if your baby or toddler has figured out how escape the crib, don't ignore it. This isn't a phase you should wait out. If your baby or toddler is regularly climbing out of the crib, it can sometimes be dangerous. Non always, of class, merely sometimes. A child can be injured by falling from the crib (especially if your baby or toddler's room isn't carpeted). What'southward more than, a child who'due south loose in his bedroom, in the middle of the nighttime, is at take chances (specially if your house isn't toddler-proofed).

Permit'due south review a few options to help with your crib climbing toddler.

Get a Sleep Sack

This is a adept option for those of you who have babies who are trying to escape the crib. Granted, this isn't common; most children don't start attempting to climb from their cribs until some time after their first birthdays.

However, babies as young equally 8 and nine months have been known to fling themselves from their cribs. This is peculiarly true for babies who hitting their mobility milestones (like crawling, continuing, and walking) early.
Some kids are only natural-born climbers!

If this is the case in your home, consider a sleep sack for your baby. Sleep sacks enclose a baby'southward legs and feet, leaving plenty room for the infant to move comfortably, but not plenty for the baby to actually climb. Sometimes, a small restriction similar that is enough to discourage your babe from doing any middle-of-the-dark climbing.

DON'T Get a Crib Tent

I realize it's odd to include a "don't" in our list of options, just this alarm bears repeating. In the past, specialty products called "crib tents" were marketed every bit solutions for keeping active toddlers in their cribs. Made of mesh, the tents fit right over the pinnacle of the crib and zipped shut, making it impossible for toddlers to climb out the top.

Problem was, these crib tents weren't safe at all. They posed major entrapment and strangulation risks for children. The Consumer Product Safety Committee (CPSC) launched an investigation into the safety of crib tents in 2008. They (forth with five major retailers) finally issued a massive call up Spring 2012.

Bottom line: crib tents aren't safe, and they aren't a solution for your infant or toddler climbing from the crib.

Lower the Mattress

This ane might seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to miss the obvious when you lot're utterly sleep-deprived! (Then again, peradventure yous wouldn't be surprised — if you're a Baby Sleep Site reader, chances are y'all're a little sleep-deprived yourself!)

If yous haven't already, try lowering your baby's crib mattress to its lowest possible point. This volition make information technology harder for your baby or toddler to become enough leverage to hoist herself over the crib runway.

Switch From a Crib to a Bed

So, crib tents are out. And sleep sacks might piece of work for babies, but they might not for toddlers (especially older toddlers). They do make toddler slumber sacks, merely it's debateable as to whether information technology volition work (or piece of work for long anyway). What'due south left, then?

The nigh effective way to keep your toddler from climbing out of the crib is simply to remove the crib altogether and to transition your toddler into a bed. It can be any kind of bed, really — a regular-sized twin bed works (as long as yous add the advisable safety rails), and so does a toddler bed. A mattress on the floor will fifty-fifty work! In fact, that's what I've e'er preferred; having a mattress correct on the floor minimized falls and made it easier for my boys to become into and out of their beds when they were younger.

Is My Toddler Ready for a Bed?

If your toddler is 2 years or older, and then seriously consider making the switch from crib to bed in the case of climbing out of the crib (endeavor to look until iii-4 years old if they aren't climbing!) By 2 years sometime, most toddlers are starting to outgrow their crib anyhow; by 2 i/two, it'southward likely they're downright cramped. In fact, this may exist why your toddler trying to escape — considering sleeping in the crib isn't comfortable anymore!

If your toddler is between 18 months and 2 years, consider making the switch. 18 months is early, but information technology's still inside the window of time (xviii – xxx months) that is considered reasonable for transitioning from a crib to a toddler bed. 18 months will work for some babies, but not for others.

If your toddler is younger than 18 months, things go tricky. Try the slumber sack method first, too as lowering the crib mattress. If that proves fruitless, consider making the switch to a bed.

In this article, nosotros're not going to tackle the ins-and-outs of how to help your toddler make that transition. Nosotros have a separate article on that topic, which you tin can read here!

Nicole'south Notation:
"We hear from parents all the time who switch to a bed abruptly after a toddler climbs out in one case from their crib. If a toddler is nether the historic period of two, we really effort to continue them in the crib, if we tin can (our recommendation is not until 2 1/2 to 3, if possible). Just considering he climbed out once doesn't mean he volition do it once again. For some, it frightens them and they don't try once more. Unfortunately, some toddlers lack the impulse control to stay in a bed with imaginary boundaries (even if they conceptually sympathize they aren't supposed to get out), so going to a toddler or twin bed too soon tin create a 'jack in the box' with your toddler getting out of bed umpteen times a night!"

Is Toddler Crib Climbing an Isolated Problem, or Is It Part of Something Bigger?

Finally, something to think well-nigh before we wrap up: are your toddler's crib escapades an isolated incident, or are they function of a larger problem?

If your toddler has always been a decent sleeper, and the crib escaping is something new, then you can focus on finding means to put an end to his crib climbing. But if your toddler has never slept well, and the crib escaping is merely one piece in a larger puzzle of terrible sleep habits, you may need to think bigger. End your child from escaping the crib, yeah, simply focus on improving your toddler's slumber habits overall.

Have you dealt with a "jailbreaking" toddler climbing out of the crib? What steps did you take? Share your wisdom, parents — we love hearing from you!

Feeling set up to "tame" your picayune crib-climbing monkey? Please be sure to pick upwards your Gratuitous copy of Toddler Sleep Secrets, our e-Book offering tips to help your toddler sleep better. For those persistent nighttime struggles, cheque out The 3-Stride System to Help Your Baby Sleep (babies) or The 5-Step System to Better Toddler Sleep (toddlers). Using a unique approach and applied tools for success, our e-books help you and your baby sleep through the night and nap better. For those looking for a more customized solution for your unique state of affairs with back up along the way, please consider one-on-one baby and toddler sleep consultations, where you will receive a Personalized Sleep Plan™ you can feel skillful virtually! Sometimes information technology's not that you lot tin't make a plan. Sometimes you're simply too tired to.

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