Can I Play Sports in College if I Didn't Play in High School

Задание ane № 314

Вы услышите half-dozen высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1. When reading these books, the speaker sees the world in an unusual way.

2. Thank you to these books, the speaker started to enjoy reading.

3. These books made the speaker experience better when she/he was away from habitation.

4. Thanks to these books, the speaker found many new friends.

5. These books helped the speaker during a difficult flow of study.

6. The things said past some of the characters help the speaker in difficult situations.

vii. These books showed the speaker that friends are very of import.

Говорящий A B C D Due east F

Расшифровка записи

Speaker A. I've always read books for comfort, and when I was in London, every bit a participant of an commutation programme, scared and lost, then far from my family and friends, I simply establish a volume store and bought the starting time two Harry Potter books in that location. I read them both in one night and then over and over once more. It wasn't but comfort, it was like I found a skilful friend in a identify where I had none, and I certainly became braver.

Speaker В. Harry Potter books have influenced me profoundly. They helped me to sympathise that honesty, friendship and honey are all we demand. Now I look at the time to come in a more positive way than I had done before reading these books which speak' about friendship. Harry Potter is never alone. When he does something hard or frightening, his friends are always effectually and they give him all the aid he needs.

Speaker С. The best thing Harry Potter books have given me is a philosophy for life. I plant it in the words of Harry himself, his friends and other people around him. When I confront problems, I remember some phrases from the books and I keep on fighting. I don't give up, because Harry never does. I've known before, that theoretically there is no such a affair as a hopeless situation, but now I truly believe it.

Speaker D. I've always liked reading. And I love the fact that Harry Potter books take given me my ain private magical world. When I read Harry Potter, I experience so glad that I have a wonderful hole-and-corner that no one else knows. I get the feeling that the books put everything effectually me into a dissimilar, magical light, and the world of Harry Potter comes into mine, making ordinary things and people look strange.

Speaker E. Before I read Harry Potter books, and became interested in them, I didn't read too much. I just didn't understand what books could do. But after reading Harry Potter, I felt that I was in his world, and I idea, well, maybe other books can practice that also. Now I just dear reading, and the pleasure that I go from reading has become possible only considering of that commencement Harry Potter book.

Speaker F. Harry Potter books have helped me in many ways. For example, concluding year I had to take my concluding exams and I was under a lot of stress considering of that. Harry. Potter characters also have a lot of exams and when I felt especially stressed and worried, I read those passages from the books and felt a trivial better, as if I was sharing my problems with friends. And the funny moments in the books cheered me upward.

Пояснение .

A−three: I simply plant a book store and bought the first two Harry Potter books in that location. I read them both in one night and and then over and over over again. It wasn't simply comfort, information technology was similar I establish a practiced friend in a place where I had none, and I certainly became braver.

B−7: They helped me to sympathize that honesty, friendship and love are all nosotros demand.

C−half dozen: When I face problems, I call back some phrases from the books and I keep on fighting. I don't surrender.

D−1 — I get the feeling that the books put everything effectually me into a unlike, magical lite, and the globe of Harry Potter comes into mine, making ordinary things and people await foreign.

East−two: Thought, well, maybe other books tin exercise that too. Now I only love reading.

F−five: ... felt a little better, as if I was sharing my issues with friends. And the funny moments in the books cheered me up.

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