How Do You Know if Your Name Was Compromised in Equifax Hack


Robert Neubecker

Weeks subsequently Equifax acknowledged that hackers had breached the visitor's arrangement, the company's interim chief executive, Paulino practise Rego Barros Jr., apologized for its messy response. The breach meant that potentially millions of Social Security numbers, driver'due south license numbers and other data had been stolen, leaving many of u.s.a. to wonder how vulnerable nosotros might be to identity theft.

"Answers to fundamental consumer questions were likewise ofttimes delayed, incomplete or both," Mr. Barros wrote in an op-ed column in The Wall Street Journal in late September.

He had his verb tenses wrong. The answers are however delayed and incomplete.

Many of yous have asked usa to put all nosotros know in ane identify, and so you'll discover my outset attempt at that here. You'll observe questions and answers on a range of topics, from credit freezes to PINs to protecting the information of your children.

All the statements here from Equifax were emailed, as people representing the company have so far refused to speak with me on the record.

Did I miss anything, or is something here not actually happening? Drop me a notation at and I'll endeavour to figure out why. My e-mail tally on this matter is at present over 2,000 messages, and while I'm trying to respond to every 1, I can't hope that I'll become to them all.

What's Happened?

How do I know if I've been afflicted by the Equifax breach?

Equifax has a website where you can check. The company volition not inform you otherwise, even though it has your address (which was one of the things that the hackers helped themselves to).

But even if your proper noun doesn't appear on the website, it'south probably a skilful idea to freeze your credit anyway.

Why is freezing important? When a thief shows up with your Social Security number and accost to apply for credit in your name, the lender will try to fetch your credit report before anything else happens. If information technology tin't retrieve the written report considering of the freeze, then no new account for the thief.

I've used the Equifax site a few times in the last several weeks and have received different answers about whether I was affected. How practise I know which answer is the correct answer?

Updated: Oct. 16 The visitor refused to directly answer this. My guess is that it is not completely certain whose data was stolen (and that its website nonetheless isn't functioning properly). You should protect yourself accordingly.

I go on seeing different information about what the thieves really stole. Could you please listing all of it?

Updated: Oct. 7 According to the visitor, thieves took names, Social Security numbers, birth dates and addresses for up to 145.5 one thousand thousand people. They also helped themselves to some smaller number of driver's license numbers.

Thieves may take your credit card number, likewise; this is the case for more than 200,000 people, and Equifax has said that it let those people know by mail.

Equifax has said that it has no evidence of a breach in its cadre consumer or commercial credit reporting databases, so your payment history is not floating around in the ether somewhere. Nor did the thieves get PINs that people use to unlock their frozen credit files.

Oh, and TransUnion and Experian (especially Experian, which has a similar name to Equifax) very much desire yous to know that their systems are non part of this item breach.

Why are people so freaked out about this, and what is the worst-instance scenario for a victim of identity theft?

New: Oct. 12 In theory, your financial losses are limited once yous prove y'all are truly a victim. The Federal Trade Commission explains those limits well.

But the mess that an identity theft can create with your credit — and the time that it takes to fix problems every time they pop up, often for many years — is incalculable.

Drew Armstrong wrote a adept first-person piece for Bloomberg that lays out some of the headaches, including the mortgage, tax and airport troubles 1 tin can come across.

What Should I Practice About It?

How exercise I freeze my credit file?

You lot can — and yous should — set up up a freeze on the websites of all 3 credit bureaus. There may be fees associated with doing information technology.

Don't trust the security of the companies' sites? Endeavour calling them instead.







Note: If you call Experian, ignore the warning to call Equifax instead and the effort to get you to go online. Listen and await for the freeze prompt that comes eventually.

A warning near the phone systems: The process may cease with y'all receiving a Pivot you'll need when you want to thaw your credit file (say, when you apply for a car loan or credit card onetime in the future).

The automated telephone system may give you the PIN apace, without much alert and without repetition, and so be gear up to write it downwards.

Why freeze at all three bureaus? Because thieves might take your stolen data and use for credit at a lender or other company that only checks Experian or TransUnion files. If you oasis't frozen those files, then you're vulnerable.

If y'all're married, both you and your spouse should freeze your files, since the companies maintain separate files for every adult that they runway.

Are in that location any other credit reporting agencies with whom I should initiate a freeze?

New: Oct. 12 I advise setting up freezes at Innovis, a smaller house, and ChexSystems, which helps banks check upward on new account applicants.

Were the PINs for thawing freezes compromised in this breach?

No, according to Equifax.

For the people who got their PINs in the mail, why does Equifax write "Equifax Security Freeze" on the return envelope, giving thieves a signal that valuable information is within?

New: October. 12 Equifax said it was looking into this, and I volition update when I acquire more.

If I had an Equifax freeze earlier, do I need to refreeze due to the breach?

No, the freeze is still in identify. But the freeze did not foreclose your information from being exposed by the alienation.

Freezes at Equifax are free through January. Why non make them free for life?

Updated: Oct. 12 The visitor would not straight address the freeze question in the statement it sent me, but it seems to prefer locks over freezes, and promises to brand locking and unlocking free for life every bit of Jan. 31. For more on the divergence between freezes and locks, encounter this article about Experian's decision not to offer free locks.

Cheers to those of you who have told me that Equifax's automatic freeze telephone line is however telling them that freezes are gratuitous only through November. That information is wrong, and the visitor has more often than not proven to be slow in correcting its own systems subsequently making policy changes in recent weeks.

Will thawing a frozen Equifax file also be free through January?

Updated: Oct. 2 Yes.

For people who paid for freezes afterwards the breach annunciation — but earlier Equifax made them temporarily free — will the company automatically refund their credit cards?

The visitor has said that it will, but I wouldn't count on information technology happening. After all, its website was even so charging many people days afterwards the declaration that the company was lifting the fees.

If you accept not seen a refund yet, dispute the charge with your credit card company when information technology shows up on your beak.

Does freezing my credit file hurt my credit score?

New: Oct. 12 No, according to all 3 companies.

Does freezing my credit file brand it harder for me to instantly get my gratuitous credit report from

New: Oct. 12 No, according to the iii companies. But many readers beg to differ. Ane, Pete Ho, found information technology incommunicable to get his Equifax report from the site, simply the minute he lifted his freeze he received the report with no problem.

How Exercise I Navigate the Balky Systems?

If people are having problems with Equifax's diverse websites, where is the best place to phone call to reach someone who knows what he or she is talking virtually?

Updated: Oct. 12 Co-ordinate to the company, the all-time number to dial for help is one-866-447-7559.

The line is open seven days a calendar week from 7 thousand. to 1 a.k. Eastern time.

After I first posted it, a reader called to tell me that the telephone representatives at the above number did not know how to bargain with questions about freeze PINs. Instead, they gave him another number to call, where the recorded vocalisation touted "the hottest triple-X hardcore service." (We checked.)

There seems to be no shortage of other numbers to try nor an easy way to figure out which ones are adept for which questions. But readers accept written in to say they establish success with these:

• i-865-410-8643

• i-888-548-7878

"We acknowledge that some customers have experienced difficulty getting answers and back up through our telephone call centers and apologize for any inconvenience," an Equifax spokesman said. "We accept worked hard to improve the experience with our phone call centers. Phone call center functioning is being monitored daily."

Why were the PINs for security freezes based, until recently, entirely on the date and fourth dimension that you made the freeze?

The procedure could suggest a casual approach to security at the company.

Equifax, for its part, said it had "conviction" in the erstwhile system but that information technology understood people's concerns and would permit them to change their PINs. All new PINs, as of a few weeks agone, are randomly generated.

How should people with the old PINs (with the non-random numbers) modify them?

Updated: Oct. 16 If someone wants a new Pin, they must telephone call i-866-349-5191 to speak to a live amanuensis and provide identity verification information to receive a replacement Pivot by mail.

Readers report having success with another process, besides. They say they call, abolish their old freezes so immediately get-go new ones to receive new PINs.

Where and how does Equifax store these PINs?

Many of you lot asked if they are stored with a college level of security than the company deployed elsewhere, like where the alienation had occurred. And what would Equifax say to people who, given the visitor's perceived security failings, are worried that their PINs are vulnerable?

No respond on this ane yet, and I don't expect one either, for security reasons.

Is Equifax's monitoring service groaning under the strain of all the new members?

Updated Oct. 16 Equifax said that anyone having problem with the service should call 1-888-548-7878 for help.

One reader reported that the new free monitoring service that Equifax is providing to everyone, chosen TrustedID Premier, wasn't working for her. She applied for a new credit bill of fare and was approved but she never got the warning that she was supposed to receive.

And so Much of This Does Not Seem Sensible or Piece of cake. Why?

Why didn't Equifax make its credit freezes complimentary the moment it appear the alienation?

Updated: Oct. 2 The visitor sent me a response to this question that did not really answer the question, noting only that it eventually made them free for a few months.

Why not accept a leading approach to security and take frozen files exist the default for all people?

Updated: Oct. 16 Instead of answering the question, Equifax told me that "consumers can choose to take their credit reports locked or frozen," which nosotros already knew.

The industry lives in mortal fear of being forced to freeze all files as a default, in part because it makes money from selling access to files, which is harder to practice when they are on water ice.

But while it seems like a good idea to just flip a switch on everyone's credit files, imagine the applied ramifications. No affair how much alarm the companies provided, millions of people would still be caught unaware and it would delay home purchases, job applications and scores of other things. So I don't encounter it happening.

Why not coordinate with Experian and TransUnion and then that consumers can get one year of freezes or locks for life at all three companies?

Updated: Oct. sixteen Equifax ignored this question for weeks and then sent me an answer, stating that you lot have to do it separately at all three bureaus, which was, of course, the very premise of the question. Sigh.

TransUnion has a $xix.95-per-month monitoring service that lets you lot lock your TransUnion and Equifax files. Experian said that because "not all locks are created equal" that it would be hard to create a 1-terminate locking store.

Why are people running into technical bug when PINs are supposed to announced on their screens after getting an Equifax freeze?

I've received dozens of emails from people who were able to go freezes from the Equifax website but ran into technical bug when their Pin was supposed to appear on their screens. What is going on here?

"Our technology team is aware of some limited situations in which consumers are unable to view their PINs," the company said in an emailed statement. "We have identified that this is acquired past their browser settings. We are working on a fix for this result."

(I do not believe the bug to be "limited," given the volume of my mail service, simply we'll see.)

If you request a security freeze online, the Pivot shows up on the screen only. The visitor said it does not currently email the Pin as a follow-upwards or transport it via United States mail.

If you request a security freeze over the phone, Equifax said it will mail service you your Pin, so don't worry if y'all don't grab it over the phone when the automated voice reads it speedily without warning or repetition. But I would expect the mailing process to take weeks, not days.

Didn't become your Pivot at all? Equifax said that you can call 1-866-349-5191 to get information technology, though you'll take to respond a agglomeration of identification questions before the phone representatives volition give information technology to you.

I'thou having problem getting Experian to take my freeze request online or by telephone, and they want me to send them a bunch of personal information past mail. Are they doing this on purpose to discourage me from getting a freeze in the first place?

Updated: October. 7 This is for your own protection! Or and so said Experian, in a argument: "When we are unable to sufficiently lucifer identification online or by telephone, nosotros request additional documentation in order to verify the individual's identity. We practice and so as an additional precaution in an effort to protect the consumer."

Worried nearly insecure postal mail if Experian asks for, say, a re-create of a commuter's license or Social Security bill of fare? Experian noted that "often" you can upload documentation at

The visitor would not tell me what per centum of people are given the "prove who you are with paper documents" handling, simply I've received a few dozen emails about Experian doing this and very few reports of information technology happening with Equifax or TransUnion.

Was Equifax deliberately throttling back its website to try to go along people from getting freezes?

And has Equifax deliberately programmed its website to fail to authenticate credit freeze applicants and tells them to use newspaper in the hopes that people will give up and not freeze their credit files at all?

No, the company told me. "We are experiencing a high volume of requests for security freezes, and have been experiencing some technical issues. Nosotros are working diligently to resolve those technical bug," it said.

What'southward with Equifax's efforts to force people into arbitration if they take disputes related to its original offering of assistance?

"We accept removed that language from the TrustedID Premier Terms of Use and information technology will non apply to the complimentary products offered in response to the cybersecurity incident or for claims related to the cybersecurity incident itself," the company said. "The arbitration language will not employ to whatever consumer who signed upwardly before the language was removed."

Volition Equifax force people to submit to mandatory arbitration or some other loss of privileges or rights in substitution for the new offer of gratuitous credit locks for life?

Another fear is that Equifax will put people on lenders' mailing lists, leading to no end of spam. The company has not answered these questions and then far.

What should people do if they exercise not have a United States accost and want a credit freeze?

Updated: October. 12 Co-ordinate to Equifax, you can send the documents listed below by email, fax or postal mail:

• Proof of your most recent address in the United States.

• Proof of your electric current address outside of the U.s..

• A copy of your Social Security number or some other certificate that provides proof of that number.

• A cover letter with a short clarification of the asking.

Or past fax: 1-866-313-7122

Or postal mail service:

Attention: Atlanta Support

P.O. Box 105496

Atlanta, GA 30348

Updated: Oct. iii A TransUnion spokesman said that Us citizens living outside the country but who know the American address that is on their file can follow normal procedures on its website. If you cannot provide a United States address, you lot should contact the company in writing.

TransUnion LLC

P.O. Box 2000

Chester, PA 19016

Experian said that the get-go step is to make sure yous nevertheless take a credit file at all, as some people who have lived away for a while practice non. Then, you lot have to provide proof of your final address in the The states and your electric current address wherever yous live now. You can practise all of this by telephone (1-888-397 3742) or on the company's website. If neither of those options work, yous'll demand to write in by mail at the address below, though y'all may still be able to provide your proof of identity documents via Experian's uploading webpage.


P. O. Box 9701

Allen, TX 75013

Why won't Equifax have an on-the-record conversation with you?

New: Oct. 12 I wish I knew. At one point, the visitor invited me to Atlanta for a chat so yanked the invitation after I'd already booked a aeroplane ticket. The public relations megafirm Edelman is on the scene, but Steve Behm, an Edelman executive in the region, has not returned any of the messages I've sent him in the past five weeks.

Do you work for Equifax? Want to assistance me respond some questions? I'm easy to find and volition keep our conversations private.

What Is This About 'Locking' Instead of 'Freezing?'

What are these locking services that Equifax, Experian and TransUnion offer? How are they unlike from freezes?

Locking has the same effect as freezing, so no new lender or company will exist able to bank check a file whether it'due south locked or frozen. But in that location may exist differences in processes, restrictions and fees.

The drinking glass-half-full crowd will note that unlocking your file doesn't require the random, hard-to-call back Pin that comes with a frozen file.

The drinking glass-one-half-empty people will note TransUnion's requirement that you waive legal rights and Experian's high fees. I explained this in a column on Sept. 27. Equifax's TrustedID Premier service includes a one-year lock only not a permanent freeze.

Equifax is proverb on their breach website that its locking product requires 24-48 hours of detect to lock or unlock a file. You said in a Sept. 27 column that information technology's instant. Who's right?

New: Sept. 29 I'm right and Equifax is wrong, and it's acquired a great bargain of defoliation equally other media have reported what Equifax was saying on its own website. I told the visitor about the mistake, but it hasn't fixed information technology nevertheless.

Lots of people who have registered for Equifax's credit lock via its TrustedID Premier service have non received confirmations. Are they always going to get them?

"Due to the number of consumers who have requested enrollment in the TrustedID Premier product, we are experiencing periodic delays in issuing confirmation emails," the company said. "We assure you we are working diligently to transport confirmation information as quickly as possible, and repent to the consumers who accept not yet received their confirmation emails. We appreciate your patience. We are continuing to make the experience smoother."

Many people who finally do get the emails click on the activation link and land on a webpage that doesn't work. Should they just keep trying?

Updated: Oct. 2 "Equifax continues to heighten our website to improve consumer experiences," the visitor said. "We are making the navigation easier to sympathize and eliminating steps in the enrollment process and investing in technology that allows more people to register faster. The company is committed to making the site right and meeting consumer expectations."

Why is Equifax sending people activation emails with links inside of them?

Updated Oct. xvi The company said that the links and emails take been designed with security in mind, but I have a hard time fully believing that. Every bit of advice nosotros get on security says to never click a link that is inside an email purporting to be from a fiscal services firm, even if it appears to exist from a visitor that yous already do business concern with. This is in case the electronic mail came from a hacker masquerading as a trusted source and the link is going to harvest information from you in some fashion.

Instead, the safest move is to become to the company's website by typing its address into a browser and and so complete whatever job needs completing. The format of the activation electronic mail seems especially tone-deaf given that we're just barely removed from a behemothic security breach.

Can I freeze and lock my Equifax business relationship simultaneously?

New: Oct. 12 No.

I took Equifax upwardly on its offer of TrustedID Premier monitoring, which includes locking. I had a freeze in place before I did so. Now I meet an icon of an open lock when I log in to TrustedID Premier. Does this mean that my freeze is no longer in effect?

No. Because you cannot freeze and lock at the aforementioned time, your freeze stays in effect and the unlocked icon only ways that your file is not locked. But information technology's still frozen, and the other features of the TrustedID service are even so supposed to work.

I signed upward for a free Equifax lock for a year through the TrustedID Premier programme. Once a year is up, will I automatically be switched into the free-lock-for-life program that begins Jan. 31, 2018?

Updated: October. 16 The company said it does non know all the same.

You say that the locks volition be gratuitous for life. Do the contracts specify what happens in instance the company is purchased past a private equity firm, sold off for parts and/or renamed?

Updated: October. 16 The company would not direct answer this question.

What'south the All-time Way to Push Dorsum Against Equifax?

I'd like to punish Equifax past joining a class-action suit. How practice I do that?

New: Oct. 12 There is no need to join, according to Stuart Rossman, director of litigation at the National Consumer Police Center. There will exist an eventual consolidation of all the federal suits against the company, and whatever person whose information ended upwardly with the thieves will somewhen be eligible for any accolade. He warns that recoveries tend to exist quite small.

I'd like to punish Equifax through the legislative process. How might this happen?

New: October. 12 Members of Congress have proposed a variety of solutions, only movement in this manufacture has historically happened in state legislatures. Contact your country representatives and ask them nearly legislation that would force the three credit bureaus to provide free credit freezes or locks for life, with free temporary lifts besides.

Will Equifax actively fight legislative activity that forces freezes to be free or the default?

"This is a very complicated issue and we await to appoint with regulators and legislators on this topic in the future," Equifax said.

Moreover, they will probably point to the availability of the credit locks — which Experian charges money for and TransUnion gives away just if you are willing to requite upwards legal rights — as a reason why free freezes are not necessary.

Equifax's announcement that its locks would be free for life was no dubiousness an endeavor to get out in front of this question.

How Else Should I React and Protect Myself?

Why tin't I only get a new Social Security number?

New: Oct. 12 You can effort, but the Social Security Administration volition allow it only in limited circumstances, including when "a victim of identity theft continues to be disadvantaged by using the original number." Mere annoyance or existential fear over the Equifax breach probably won't cutting it.

I'thou worried about someone using my information to file tax returns in my name and commit refund fraud, which would keep me from getting my legitimate refund. Can I do anything to stop it?

New: October. 12 Your best bet is to file your returns early, in order to get alee of thieves who may try to beat you lot to it.

Some people are eligible to receive personal identification numbers from the Internal Revenue Service each year, which you'd have to include every bit you file your taxes in order to become your refund. For now, however, they are available simply to people in places with high instances of fraud, like Florida, Georgia and the District of Columbia.

Victims of identity theft are also eligible to get a PIN if they fill up out an affidavit, merely the I.R.S. doesn't requite them out then easily if your merely claim is being a victim of a breach like Equifax'south. It notes that "data alienation victims should submit a Class 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, only if your Social Security number has been compromised and your eastward-file return was rejected as a duplicate or I.R.South. has informed you that y'all may be a victim of tax-related identity theft."

I'thou worried most someone using my data to found a Social Security Administration online account in my name and claiming my benefits. Can I do annihilation to stop it?

New: October. 12 Yes, but first review the aggravating experiences I and some readers had.

If you have a freeze on your credit files, you'll need to temporarily lift it before setting upward your Social Security online account. This is not articulate to people using the site, to the groovy annoyance of the customer service representative I spoke with on the telephone after waiting on hold for 45 minutes. (She gets a lot of calls well-nigh this upshot, she said.)

She likewise told me that I needed to lift my freeze at Experian in order to set upwardly my business relationship. While a Social Security Administration spokesman said I needed but to elevator my freeze at Equifax, I guess I'd become with the customer service representative's word hither.

Desire to protect yourself further? You tin block online access altogether. This is reversible, just you lot'll have to contact the Social Security Administration for assist when y'all're ready.

How tin can people protect their children?

Updated: Oct. 16 Lots of people asked about this in a variety of ways:

• Are in that location mechanisms in identify to proactively freeze a kid'south file (or, if one does not exist, create a file so information technology can exist frozen), and when, if ever, does that depend on where you lot live?

• What if a child's Social Security number is showing that it "may" have been compromised via the Equifax alienation but the Equifax system won't allow parents sign upwardly the child for monitoring due to their age or their lack of a credit file?

• Why is it so difficult to, upon request, create a blank file for a kid merely to prophylactically freeze it?

• Or meliorate yet, why not freeze all Social Security numbers for people under eighteen, flow?

The nasty problem of child identity theft has been around for a while, and I wrote a column about it in 2015. Equifax's response to my alienation-related questions and so far has been illogical. Here was its first laissez passer:

"Equifax typically does not maintain files on minors. It is possible a parent may add together an older minor as an authorized user to a credit carte du jour. Fifty-fifty if a minor was added as an authorized user to a credit card, Equifax has no indication that its core consumer credit database was impacted by the cybersecurity incident. To confirm, any data reported to Equifax past credit card companies on authorized users would non take been impacted."

This is nonsense. Many parents have reported putting their children's Social Security numbers into Equifax's "Am I Impacted?" site and finding that their child "may" have been. If that'south the instance, then parents need answers to their questions. If not, the website isn't working.

When I pointed this out to the company, it refused to address the question of what happens when you put a pocket-size's Social Security number into its site. Instead, information technology just told people to call 1-866-447-7559 with whatever questions. If you call that number, please let me know what the telephone representatives are saying and if they can reply your questions.

In general, hither's how things ought to piece of work: In that location should exist a database of Social Security numbers belonging to minors that effectively shuts down admission to those digits until they all turn 18. But why should things be simple?

Instead, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion all take their own bizarre processes that parents can utilise to figure out if a child has a credit file (they're generally not supposed to) and if and then, anything bad has happened to it. Some states let you freeze a child's file, while others don't. The National Conference of State Legislatures maintains a country-past-state guide on its website.

What's a fraud alert, and how does it differ from a credit lock or freeze?

New: Oct. 12 If there's a fraud alert on your credit report, it means that any lender is supposed to take additional steps to verify your identity (or that of a thief applying for credit in your name). TransUnion has a skilful explainer on its website of all the different types.

With a freeze or a lock, the new company could non become access to your file at all and would immediately shut downwards the application every bit opposed to just sizing upward the person applying.

If I want an extended fraud alert (and non a freeze), can I merely accept a screenshot of Equifax's "Am I impacted" webpage that says I'thousand i of the 145.5 million that may have been impacted to prove that I am a victim?

Equifax has non answered this question and then far. Typically, a person needs to submit a constabulary report to receive an extended fraud warning.

Can you accept a fraud warning and a freeze at the same time?

Updated: Oct. 12 Yes. I get that this is more than or less redundant, but many people don't trust Equifax in item to follow through, and so they want to have a belt-and-suspenders arroyo to protection.

What was the distinguishing criteria that afflicted upwards to 145.five million people vs. the people who supposedly weren't affected?

New: Sept. 28 Equifax has not answered this notwithstanding.

Don't I only demand a name, address, Social Security number and engagement of birth to create an online Equifax account, which is the exact information that was stolen?

The presumption is that anyone with your information could set your account earlier you get in that location, but enter their own email address and mobile phone number for confirmation, thus gaining control of the account.

New: Sept. 28 I'm still trying to figure out what Equifax is doing about information technology.

Is it possible to simply delete my Equifax credit file, so that I don't take to worry about them setting whatever more of my data loose on the world?

Updated: Oct. 7 The company refused to respond when I wrote a column about this very question. Information technology seems similar the answer is no for now.

Just for those who can bear the risk of not having an Equifax file (including potentially running into problem with mortgage lenders who may want a wait at credit reports from all iii bureaus), it certain seems like a wish that Equifax ought to grant. And if it won't, perhaps land or federal legislators should take up the question.


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