South Carolina Early Childhood Association Continuing Education

You Belong!

The SCEA members are doing their part in the movement for public education and everyone is taking the next steps to support the cause. Are you ready to take your first step?

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Teacher stands proudly in front of her students.

The SCEA Members Are Working for the Schools South Carolina Students and Educators Deserve

The South Carolina Education Association (The SCEA) represents members employed in public schools throughout South Carolina and is an affiliate of the largest professional association of educators in the country. As the leading advocate for the schools South Carolina students deserve, The SCEA and its community partners believe in opportunity for every student and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.

President Sherry East

There is nothing we cannot do when we join together to work for the respect South Carolina educators deserve and the public schools South Carolina students deserve.

Quote by: Sherry East, President of The SCEA

Join Now!

Our best hope for student success is you.

Your passion and commitment are crucial to helping students—of all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds—learn, grow, and fulfill their potential. Here's how you can get started...

South Carolina students dancing and clapping

Be a voice for students

Students have a right to a safe, welcoming, and affirming learning environment in a school that respects and values them and is free of bias. Learn about issues affecting our students and how you can help students succeed.

The SCEA members in the South Carolina Capitol

Advocate for your rights and working conditions

Those who serve our students and communities need the support, resources, and working conditions to excel in their work. The power and influence of The SCEA community are here to help you understand your rights and improve your working conditions.

One member leads a professional develop

Build your career and find opportunities to lead

Being an education professional requires passion, dedication, confidence, and resilience. Our community helps educators at all stages in their career become leaders in their profession, in their union, and in their communities. Explore how you can achieve professional excellence and mentor others through leadership development.

Teachers protest for better working conditions

Advance justice with us

Across the state of South Carolina, we are with you. We are right there next to you fighting for our students. Fighting for our future. We need to dismantle unjust systems. We need to fully fund our public schools. We need to hold our elected leaders accountable. And we need your help to make it happen!

Our journey began more than a century ago. YOURS STARTS NOW.

We've spent decades working for the schools South Carolina students and educators deserve—but, there's still more to do.

Let's Get Real

Let's Bring Real Change

Let's Get Real

South Carolina Public Schools Lost $423 Million to Corporate Tax Breaks in Fiscal Year 2019. Already-poor school districts lost the most. #SCstudentsdeserve fully, equitably funded public schools.

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Let's Bring Real Change

Teacher stands in front of the classroom holding her nameplate

I am an educator because I enjoy helping students excel and reach their highest potential. South Carolina educators deserve the right to equal funding for their classrooms, equal funding for their students, most importantly their voices to be heard.

— Liz Humphrey, Middle School Technologist

Advocate for change.

What's on Your Mind?

We're here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (guides, reports, trainings, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We're here to support you in whatever you need.

  • Bullying
  • Jobs
  • School Vouchers
  • School Climate
  • Racial & Social Justice
  • Privatization
  • Politics & Campaigns
  • Pay & Benefits
  • Mental Health
  • LGBTQ Rights
  • Gun Violence
  • Immigration
  • Charter Schools
  • Gender Equity
  • English Language Learning
  • Educator Shortage
  • Education Funding
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • COVID-19
  • College Affordability
  • Workplace Conditions

Members pose with Red for Ed shirts.

The best way you can support students and protect public education is to get involved directly in your community. At The SCEA, we partner closely with local affiliates and members to support you where you live and work.


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